Practical Information
– curation, production –
As part of fontaine b.
20-22 April 2018
Freehome – Artist to Artist –
Maria and Vadim Zakharov
Berlin, Germany
Photo: © Daniel Zakharov
UmbruchThese / Upheaval
fontaine b. presenting Lucio Fontana and Hermann Nitsch
Once more fontaine b. is delighted to collaborate with Freehome – Artist to Artist, Maria and Vadim Zakharov’s space in order to bring out a sublime exhibition triggered by the new project, a hand drawn A Weekly Planner & Artist Book Celebrating Frankenstein’s Bicentennial conceived by Maya Attoun. Serving as a pillar, as well as a seed to the show, the delicate artwork comprises a carefully designed algorithm, a grid of concrete numbers, lines, letters alongside organic yet scientific anatomical, biological drawings.
It is through working on this grid, on its watermark, that Maya Attoun reevaluates the concept of time suggesting a new order through visual reference. The act of drawing itself extends the seconds, the minutes, grasping the gesture of the suspended moments.
Thus time brings changes, mutations, turmoils, reevaluations. Time is Umbruch, upheaval – a state of deep transformative changes, a continuous metamorphosis, a predicament of transition.
Oddly, in German Umbruch can also suggest the mere fact of mise en page, page composition, which yet again evokes the thorough work of Attoun’s book.
On this occasion, fontaine b. is presenting works by two acclaimed masters of Art: Lucio Fontanaand Hermann Nitsch, both works standing on the opposite spectrum of the Ubmruch meaning; Fontana’s copper plate etching is revealing deep Upheaval, while Nitsch’s casket uncovers a diligent documentation of The Orgies Mysteries Theater.
Besides the Maya Attoun’s artist book and drawings, the exhibition will present works from the following artists:
Lindy Annis, Nati Cerutti, Daniela Comani, Arnold Dreyblatt, Lucio Fontana(courtesy of fontaine b.), Vanessa Enriquez, Malcolm Green, Elana Katz, Hermann Nitsch(courtesy of fontaine b.)Jacopo Rinaldi, Serge Stephan, Mariana Vassileva
Friday 20th of April
Lecture / Presentation of the artist book by Maya Attoun, accompanied by a sound installation conceived by the artist at 19.00
Performance by Serge Stephan at 20.00
Saturday 21st of April
Sunday 22nd of April
Coffee and cake
Please join us on Friday 20th of April for an opening night aperitif, on Saturday 21st of April for a private viewing and Sunday 22nd of April for an intimate coffee and cake get-together.